FBI Assistant Director Donald Alway receives by email a first introduction about the criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation

Vincent B. Le Corre
Subject: LeBron James and criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation
Date sent: May 31, 2023, 21:42 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Donald Alway (Assistant Director in Charge, FBI)
Vincent B. Le Corre
My reference for this case: USA-v-McDonalds-pattern-of-racketeering-activity
Dear Mr. Alway,
My name is [REDACTED FOR PRIVACY]. I was born in [REDACTED FOR PRIVACY], on [REDACTED FOR PRIVACY]. I was notified on February 16, 2023, that the European Court of Human Rights (ECtHR) granted me anonymity. Therefore, starting from now, all of my communications to you will be signed with “X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the European Court of Human Rights)”.
I attach to this email the decision of the ECtHR and a scan of my driver’s license and also a scan of my expired passport (I haven’t had the time yet to go to Beijing to renew my passport. I am a foreign permanent resident in China, that’s why I don’t need a visa in case you wonder).
Since I left a comment to one of your LinkedIn posts the other day, I thought it might be a good time to introduce myself to you especially considering that I had already launched the following non-official website on you:
I created this website, and many others, to publish my open letters to you, and by extension to the FBI, in this unprecedented criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation and its subsidiary companies, and their accomplices, for engaging in a pattern of racketeering activity through money laundering of sweepstakes/lottery frauds, among other serious crimes like corruption of foreign officials.
I wouldn’t normally have contacted the Los Angeles FBI Field Office. However, because of a crucial piece of evidence in which basketball player LeBron Raymone James appears, I believe I should notify your office and I believe the FBI should interrogate Mr. James to determine whether he knew, or not, that he was partaking in a criminal RICO enterprise through its affiliation with the criminal entity McDonald’s Corporation.
I am currently still trying to recover from illness and I am still not feeling very well, so I want to keep this first introduction short. However, please allow me to give you a couple of links which will start giving you a decent understanding of what’s going on.
First, I invite you to read this demonstration of a fraud McDonald’s has committed and replicated across many countries around the world thus committing mass-marketing frauds on an unprecedented scale:
Please note a journalist from The New York Times claims to have understood the fraud. Therefore, I believe you should also understand the fraud. If you have any problems understanding the fraud, just ask me and I will gladly guide you through. But to be honest, it would be hard to break down the problem further than the demonstration I already made to this journalist.
Second, I invite you to read the following 2-page Statement of Facts. For the record, I tried to mainly focus on the RICO angle of the case:
Third, please read this formal notice I sent to Mr. George Walker, CEO of Neuberger Berman:
Then, I invite you to look at the video in this tweet:
in which you can see Mr. James in a commercial for the criminal enterprise operated by the criminal entity McDonald’s Corporation, and then, to make sure you understood, look at the screenshot in this tweet:
which confirms, beyond a shadow of a doubt, the mass-marketing fraud committed by the criminal entity McDonald’s Corporation.
Finally, and even though I was supposed to keep updating this page I haven’t had the time to do so and it’s not a priority any longer, please look at some of the persons of interest I reported in my second filing with the Office of the Whistleblower of the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission:
I haven’t finished submitting the list of the persons (both people and judicial persons) potentially involved. For example, The Marketing Store (HAVI Group) is definitely an important part of this white-collar crime syndicate. Another person of interest is Kevin Ozan who is retiring soon.
There is a reason why I use the term “white-collar crime syndicate” but I won’t elaborate now.
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me at x@ecthrwatch.org and in the event you were not allowed to make direct contact with me because the Chinese government would prevent you to do so, I will try to soon visit the U.S. Embassy in Beijing: once I am on U.S. soil, there is little the People’s Republic of China can do to prevent us from communicating with each other, if and only if they were attempting to do so in the first place which I believe is not the case.
Thank you, Mr. Alway, for having, I hope, taken the time to read this introduction about the criminal RICO case targeting McDonald’s Corporation.
Yours sincerely,
X. (Anonymity granted by decision of the European Court of Human Rights)
Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2023-05-31_2142_0800_email_to_donald_alway_fbi_Redacted.pdfTo gain a clearer understanding of the sequence of events in this case, I invite you to view a detailed timeline at the following link:
This timeline provides a comprehensive overview of the key milestones and developments.