Urging the FBI to Investigate McDonald’s for Fraudulent Practices

Vincent B. Le Corre
Date sent: January 30, 2023, 16:33 +0800 (China Standard Time)
Adam Rogalski (Legal Attaché/State Department),
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI)
Edward Lehman
Note: since Assistant Legal Attaché Adam Rogalski told me on 2021-09-20 that he was “one of the FBI representatives,” I assume that this communication was transferred to the
Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI).
Dear Mr. Rogalski,
I will formally explain this to you later and CC to everyone, right now, it’s only you and Mr. Lehman.
Look at the picture attached to this email.
This is the choice I was given back in 2011 when I was defrauded by the criminal subsidiary company of the transnational criminal entity of McDonald’s Corporation.
Ask yourself first if you understand why, by looking at the choice you have, the meaning can only be 1 chance out of 4 per attempt in which 1 attempt can only be 1 sticker (or 1 game stamp if you prefer).
Do you understand?
It’s the nasty trick they use: they want consumers to think that by ordering more, they can get a win.
Back then, I thought if I get 4 stickers, I am sure to win something right away.
Why didn’t McDonald’s simply state 1 chance out of 8?
By greed, to increase the sales by a few percentage points, they commit fraud.
It’s mass marketing fraud.
When they say in the fine print that the calculation/odds/probability is based on a double winning sticker like they did in France for the year 2011, the formulation is totally wrong and it actually means consumers have 50% of chance of winning per attempt in which 1 attempt = 1 sticker (or 1 game stamp if you prefer).
Was their intention to try to instead defraud consumers by implying that if consumers attempted to play twice, then, the probability of winning would be 25%? Or, said in another way, in reality, 12.5%? Or 1 chance out of 8? Since McDonald’s officially replied me that their rules were valid, it means that it was their deliberate intention to defraud people.
Otherwise, they should have replied to me: “Sorry, we made a terrible mistake.“
The U.S., the FBI, must be consistent in applying the law. McDonald’s lied. What are they going to say? “Sorry, we tried to scam people legally but our lawyers/marketing companies made a mistake”?
It’s wrong, it’s dishonest, there is a clear intent to commit a crime. The crime is committed.
If you authorize anyone to defraud anyone else with an n-fold deviation, very quickly, the entire financial system will collapse.
“Left unchecked, money laundering can erode the integrity of our nation’s financial institutions.”
“Going back to the roots
The investigation of money laundering usually goes hand in hand with the investigation of the original crime generating the proceeds.”
One of the many crimes committed by criminal entities McDonald’s Corporation and its subsidiary companies, with the complicity of their accomplices (like franchisees for example, but also the law firms which attempted at covering these crimes up) is the Instant-Win fraud.
Remember! : https://www.fincen.gov/what-money-laundering “With few exceptions, criminals are motivated by one thing-profit. Greed drives the criminal, and the end result is that illegally-gained money […]”
Best regards,
Vincent Le Corre

Click on this link to visualize the original email: 2023-01-30_1633_0800_STILL_OFF_THE_RECORD_FOR_NOW_ONLY.pdf
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